As I look back at the twists and turns of my experiences, they all seem to make a little more sense now. As I fumbled through life it was dance that always brought me back home to myself. And as long as I can remember I've kept a journal and used it as my way of making sense of all the emotions I felt. And this is actually what allowed me to uncover the process that is now MOVE /NTO YOU.
I was born and raised in the Bay Area, and fortunate enough to train under some of the most amazing instructors like Sonya Tayeh (Emmy nominee and choreographer of So You Think You Can Dance) and Chris Jacobsen (Adrenaline faculty member). At 23, Alongside my two best friends, we opened a dance studio in San Diego and from there I became a dance teacher, choreographer and national competition judge completely taking me on a whole new life path that I will be eternally grateful for. My interest in the mechanics of the body then led me to a career as a fitness instructor, and along this timeline, meditation came into my life and became another necessary tool in grounding me back into both my body and self. I was later trained by massage and cranial sacral therapist, Stephanie Whittier, as a certified T Spheres Injury Prevention Instructor, opening my eyes to myofascial release and the affects of emotions on the body. And in 2019, I became a Level 1 Reiki Practitioner.
Out of all these beautiful experiences, my most impactful lesson was the feeling I discovered after moving through my first MOVE /NTO YOU practice. It was like someone took off this extremely heavy and dust filled blanket, and I was able to feel what was there all along...ME. I don't know if I'll ever be able to put it into words, but it continues to be this grounded feeling and knowing, like I could handle anything. And in that moment I knew I needed to share this. It has gone through so many iterations, but the result is always bringing me to that feeling of knowing and being centered within myself, and I think that's more than I could ever ask for.
I'm excited you're here, and I hope you stay a little while and move with me. Always happy to hear from you and how it's going.
xx, V